Monday, March 22, 2010

Song about Modesty By: Sami Yusuf

Lyrics for 'Hijab' :

What goes through your mind?
As you sit there looking at me
Well I can tell from your looks
That you think I’m so oppressed
But I don’t need for you to liberate me

My head is not bare
And you can’t see my covered hair
So you sit there and you stare
And you judge me with your glare
You’re sure I’m in despair
But are you not aware
Under this scarf that I wear I have feelings, and I do care


So don’t you see?
That I’m truly free
This piece of scarf on me
I wear so proudly
To preserve my dignity...
My modesty
My integrity
So don’t judge me
Open your eyes and see...

“Why can’t you just accept me?” she says
“Why can’t I just be me?” she says
Time and time again
You speak of democracy
Yet you rob me of my liberty
And all I want is equality
Why can’t you just let me be free?

For you I sing this song
My sister, may you always be strong
From you I’ve learnt so much
How you suffer so much
Yet you forgive those who laugh at you
You walk with no fear
Through the insults you hear
Your wish so sincere
That they’d understand you
But before you walk away
This time you turn and say:

But don’t you see?
That I’m truly free
This piece of scarf on me
I wear so proudly
To preserve my dignity
My modesty
My integrity
So let me be
She says with a smile
I’m the one who’s free

Monday, January 4, 2010

Vocabulary Words

1. RSS: A web page used to publish frequently updated work.
2. RSS Feed: A file that contains frequently updated information.
3. Aggregator:A website where websites are collected manually by the website owner
4. XML: A set of rules for encoding documents
5. Podcast: A series of digital media files

Monday, October 12, 2009

TechRefelect 1

I think that both have their good and bad. Digital storytelling is good because you can put side effects, music, pictures, and practically anything that helps tell the story. But, sometimes the storyteller isn't very good. They usually have a monotone voice, and that really ruins the story and it's moral. Normal storytelling is very imaginative, it lets you use your imagination instead of getting the wrong picture. And, usually, the storyteller has a voice that speaks volumes, so you can get the story better. But, like I said, sometimes the storyteller has a monotone voice and it ruins it. I think both have their good and bad, and both are equally great and helpful.

Monday, September 28, 2009

My Review for Two Digital Stories

(1) Binsol's Digital Story:
Okay, this story was a little wierd. I'm pretty sure the guy was talking about his escape from the real world. What I didn't like about the video was the fact that the guy's words were so poetic and his voice was so monotone. It sounded like he was so bored to death. But other than that, it was pretty much O-K!!

(2) Matt's Digital Story:
This story was pretty good. It taught me a lot about Oakland and how violent it is. He also taught me that it's not the best place to go for a vacation. It's sad that Oakland has so much violence, drug abuse, and teenagers that have no life. I hope someone, one day, can solve that problem so teenagers like Matt's friend won't get killed for no reason. And to have a better community for the next generation.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Digital Storytelling

1. Living in your Story: WOW!
Fully Developed
2. Unfolding Lessons Learned: WOW!
Fully Developed
3. Developing Creative Tension:
Got It Present
4. Economizing the Story Told: Got
It Present
5. Showing Not Telling:
6. Developing Craftsmanship: